Samo Gorenšek, MD

Excellence is our standard

SKIN specialists acquire their expertise by attending important professional events and advanced training programmes. They consider it the only way to provide their clients with perfect solutions. They regularly attend conferences and congresses, such as the World Congress of Aesthetic Medicine in Monaco, and the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine and the American Academy of Dermatology congresses.
They were present at the Paris melanoma conference as well as at dermatology congresses and trainings in Austria. They attend additional training sessions in surgery at King’s College, London, and they developed their expertise in laser treatment in Lisbon, Madrid and Budapest. Globally acknowledged doctors come to Ljubljana to see them.

The SKIN centre is always a part of global trends in dermatology and aesthetic medicine.

SKIN specialists strive for more knowledge and therefore attend all the important conferences and training programmes.

1. American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine Course (London, UK),
2. Education at The Dr Derm Anti-Aging Center of Dermatology, Laser Aesthetic, Plastic and Vascular Center (Budapest, Hungary),
3. Facial Anatomy Teaching – The Royal College of Surgeons-London (London, UK),
4. The Management of Non-Surgical Complications Through Anatomy – The Royal College of Surgeons-London (London, UK),
5. The Annual Paris Melanoma Conference,
6. The American Academy of Dermatology’s Annual Meeting (Miami, USA),
7. ISCD International Short Course on Dermoscopy (Graz, Austria),
8. Syneron Candela Academy (Cascais, Portugal),
9. Education at Elite Laser Clinic (Madrid, Spain) with Dr Pablo Naranjo, MD (Vice President of the Spanish Association of Aesthetic Medical Laser and member of the American Society of Medical-Surgical Laser (ASLMS) and the Spanish Society of Aesthetic Medicine (SEME)
10. Aesthetic & Anti-aging Medicine World Congress Monaco (amwc)
11. Aesthetics Conference & Exhibition London (ACE)
12. Promoitalia Official work shop Happy lift (resorbilne niti za lifting obraza in vratu) & Spherofill D
13. KT Training – Dermal Filer Training -Harley Street London
14. KT Training Botox training- Harley Street London
15. And many others

The doctors listed below visited us at our clinic in Ljubljana and acted as our mentors to give us their precious experience:

Dalvi Humzah, MD (Consultant Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgeon, Facial Anatomy Specialist, International & Award Winning Tutor, BSc, MBBS, AKC, FRCS(Glas), FRCS(Eng), FRCS(Plast), MBA.

Mr Dalvi Humzah is a Consultant Plastic Surgeon, a renowned expert, this year again a member of the international organizational board of the largest Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress (AMWC) in Monaco as well as the president of the Steering Committee of the Aesthetic Conference and Exhibition (ACE London). For two years in a row, he has received the ‘Best Training Initiative’ 2014–2015 and 2015–2016 Aesthetic Awards. He has had his own private practice in England for 15 years. He performs various surgical procedures in plastic surgery as well as different aesthetic procedures. He is a lecturer at many congresses and workshops in England and elsewhere.

Dr Gabor Varju, MD (the Cynosure Inc. in the US and SCIT USA, Inc. laser manufacturer’s international trainer, domestic and foreign guest speaker at dermatological events).

He is a specialist in Dermatology and has had a private practice in dermatology and laser treatment in Budapest since 1994. He is also the representative of Cynosure (manufacturer of laser systems) for this European region, an international teacher of laser treatment in dermatology, and external advisor for pharmaceutical technology and research at the University of Szeged. He is also CEO at Dr Derm, a company engaged in the development of cosmetic products and medical devices.

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