Is everyone secretly getting botox?
Every year, one hundred thousand women and men all over the world visit their dermatologist because they would like their face to be without wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes, so they get Botox. As there is much false information circulating regarding botox, we’ve decided to give some answers to the most frequently asked questions and one statement given by one of our patients. Let’s get rid of the taboos that surround us.
would you like to get rid of the tiny wrinkles between the eyebrows and around the eyes? would you like to feel younger?

Reducing wrinkles with Botox
By applying Botox, selective relaxation of the muscles that contribute most to the formation of wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes is achieved, so tiny wrinkles are removed.
Botox has been used for more than 25 years on several million satisfied customers. You shouldn’t be put off by a few individuals who received exaggerated doses of Botox and ended up with an exaggerated appearance. With the great majority of patients people around them don’t even notice that they have been using Botox. The patients themselves are satisfied as the fine lines have disappeared or tiny wrinkles have been reduced.
In order to be satisfied with any aesthetic procedure you should first have a comprehensive interview with your dermatologist who specialises in the field. The dermatologist will be able to give you personalised advice about individual therapies that are most suitable for you.
When should i see a dermatologist for the first time?
Fine lines begin to appear in women aged from about 25 to 30 between the eyebrows and around the eyes where Botox is most frequently used. This is the optimal time for the first therapy with Botox as fine lines will completely disappear. With regular application of Botox, you can be wrinkle-free long into old age.
What is Botox?
Botox is a substance which prevents the neural signals from reaching the muscles, so it causes a reduction in muscle contraction, allowing the muscles that cause wrinkles to relax. As a result, fine lines and facial wrinkles become less visible. Botox is injected into the hypodermis or the muscle with a tiny syringe.

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